Termites also know as white ants are a huge threat to homes in Australia and an even higher risk in Queensland with our climate. Statistics show that 1 in 3 buildings will be attacked by termites. The Australian Standards recommend a minimum of one termite inspection a year be carried out and at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary by the termite manager.
How to help prevent termites
The following recommendations can help prevent termite attack, this is done by reducing the conducive conditions in and around your home;
- ensure any aircon or hot water overflows are plumbed into drains; we often find the overflows draining to the base of the building which creates a possible moisture source for termites
- ensure that you do not have vegetation built up against the building edges
- remove any stored items from against the building edge
- remove any debris and timber from sub-floor areas
- repair leaking taps
- repair broken or damaged down pipes
- ensure that weepholes are all clear and ground level is cleared away to approximately 50-75mm below weepholes
The above list a few housekeeping tips which can help deter termites from your home.
If you do think you have found termites it is best NOT TO DISTURB them as if you break a lead the termites go back to ground which makes it harder and sometimes impossible to treat.
Contact us if you would like to discuss protecting your home against termites, all our advice is obligation free.